
Our Stories

New Jewish poetry books to accompany you through isolation

New Jewish poetry books to accompany you through isolation – J. Although one of the thrills of poetry is the ability to engage with a fulfilling piece of literature that may take only a minute to read, I’d like to introduce three collections of poetry that I’ve recently enjoyed in…...

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Newly translated from French, these two Holocaust memoirs are a treasure

Newly translated from French, these two Holocaust memoirs are at reasure Books coverage is supported by a generous donation from Anne Germanacos. My understanding of the Holocaust has been shaped enormously by the teachers, cousins, friends, and others from Europe who have been part of my life and have shared…...

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Sometimes you need to lose yourself to be found

Can you remember losing yourself in a book?  I remember reading Chaim Potok’s The Chosen as a teen.  The Orthodox world of Potok’s childhood was quite different from my own, but the protagonists met in a baseball game!  Seeking to understand what it meant to be a Jew in modern…...

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Leaving Orthodoxy: personal stories of gender and Hasidism

Leaving Orthodoxy: personal stories of gender and Hasidism – J. Books coverage is supported by a generous donation from Anne Germanacos. For most of us, our gender is such a given that we may not be able to imagine the experiences of those for whom it is a source of…...

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In the 2010s, Jewish children’s books diversified but emphasized classic values

In the 2010s, Jewish children’s books diversified but emphasized classic values – J. Books coverage is supported by a generous donation from Anne Germanacos. As a new decade arrives, one of my first impulses is to reflect on the one we have just left behind. In the field of Jewish…...

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Hanukkah gift guide to graphic novels, picture books and young adult novels

Hanukkah gift guide to graphic novels, picture books and young adult novels – J. The books section is supported by a generous donation from Anne Germanacos As we approach Hanukkah, those of us with kids in our lives may be looking for gift ideas. I want to spotlight some notable…...

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Genealogy ‘mavens’ go old-school to uncover Jewish past

Genealogy ‘mavens’ go old-school to uncover Jewish past – J. Final part of three-part PAST LIVES series on Jewish genealogical research. On a recent Sunday afternoon, Sam Ginsburg sat in a library with a mess of papers scattered in front of him. He was looking for an uncle he had…...

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Two Israeli novelists explore truth and integrity

Two Israeli novelists explore truth and integrity – J. The books section is supported by a generous donation from Anne Germanacos With all the handwringing about the declining relationship of American Jews to Israel, I sometimes find it striking that literature is rarely part of the discussion. I feel strongly…...

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Rediscovering S.F.’s pioneering 19th-century ‘girl reporter’

Rediscovering S.F.’s pioneering 19th-century ‘girl reporter’ – J. The books section is supported by a generous donation from Anne Germanacos “The United States, founded upon the belief that a just government can exist only by the consent of the governed, is calmly making up for the bloody fifth act –…...

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Who is wise? Who is mighty?

My father’s father grew up in a small city in western Poland. Inspired by Theodor Herzl, he was frustrated by his yeshiva’s unwillingness to embrace Zionism and its inability to address his deepest concerns. Expelled for reading Spinoza (hidden under his Talmud tractate), he joined the Zionists and never looked back. My…...

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