Our Mission
Jewish LearningWorks elevates the field of Jewish education by nurturing educators, inspiring innovation, and building Jewish literacy.
Our Values
מנהיגות · Manhigut · Leadership
We are fearless in our pursuit of continuous improvement, experimentation, and thought leadership that expands the intellectual horizons of those with whom we work.
סקרנות · Sakranut · Curiosity
We are lifelong learners who delight in discovery, and strive to spark imaginative inquiry among those we serve.
קשר · Kesher · Connectedness
We believe in the power of belonging, and seek to equip Jewish educators not only with the tools and practices they need to thrive alongside their learners, but also to foster a strong community of support.
אחריות · Achrayut · Mutual Responsibility
We believe in the shared responsibility of learners and educators to bring their best selves to the experience of vibrant Jewish learning, and to the pursuit of a more just and perfect world.
הגשמה עצמית · Hagshama Atzmit · Personal Fulfillment
We recognize every Jewish educator and learner as a whole, creative and resourceful person worthy of finding joy and meaning in Jewish life.

Holding fast to the value of b’tzelem elohim/all humans are created in the divine image, Jewish LearningWorks celebrates belonging, diversity, equity, and inclusion as central to our mission. Through our value of achrayut/mutual responsibility, we advance the shared responsibility of learners and educators to bring their best selves to the experience of vibrant Jewish learning, and to the pursuit of a more just and perfect world.
One of the ways we enact these values is by acknowledging that we are part of an existing system of racism and privilege and by committing ourselves to an anti racist practice. At Jewish LearningWorks, this commitment requires centering racial equity in our organizational priorities, committing resources for educators to develop cultural and anti-racist competencies, and diversifying our staff, educators, participants, and board members. Our board and staff commit to working towards this vision by developing an action plan and reevaluating it regularly as our community and the needs of Jewish educators evolve. Adopted August 2023.

A Roadmap for Nurturing Educators to Build a Vibrant Jewish Community
Jewish LearningWorks renews its commitment to providing a wide array of high-caliber professional learning opportunities for educators regardless of their organizational setting, training or experience, and offer a continuum of responsive and meaningful support throughout their professional lifecycle.
Thank you for joining us in recognizing and empowering the work of our children’s role models. Their contributions are the foundation of a thriving community. We look forward to sharing our accomplishments with you in the years ahead.