
Our Stories

Jewish life, Covid-19 and the rebuilding power of women

When I accepted the position of CEO at Jewish LearningWorks, I never could have foreseen that my first year would coincide with the first year of a global pandemic and a long overdue racial reckoning in the United States.

Whatever notions I had about what the job would be like were quickly dispelled after I started last July.

Over the past year, I’ve pondered questions such as: How can a team stay connected and motivated when we never see each other in person? Should we keep our office space? How can I get to know our donors better when I can’t meet them for lunch, or shmooze with them at communal gatherings? What is the best way to support a staff of working parents juggling increased childcare and family responsibilities? How do you meaningfully engage board members on Zoom? And, finally, how can we fulfill our shared obligation to create a more equitable and just world, when many of us are barely getting through each day?