In today’s society, children receive daily messages about skin color, race, ethnicity, culture, religion, ability, gender and many other categories of social identities. When these messages are affirming, they aid in the development of a healthy sense of self. However, negative messages about children’s social identities are also absorbed through explicit and implicit means. Racial, ethnic, and cultural identities are key components of infant, early childhood, middle childhood, adolescent, and adult development. As educators, we aim to interrupt the negative messages heard about self and others in order to build children’s capacity to embrace differences, and more importantly, love themselves fully. Educators will engage in dialogue about particular benchmarks of children’s development and discuss ways to increase awareness using developmentally appropriate education strategies.
Training Details
Ideal for Educators Teaching:
- Preschool ages (2–5)
- Elementary grades K–5
- Middle School
- High School
- Families
- Adults
This workshop can be targeted to educators or families. The content is the same, but the scenario work and some of the foci change based on the audience.
Ideal for Educators Working At:
- Synagogue/Congregation
- Jewish Community Center
- Jewish Day School
- Day Camp
- Overnight Camp
- After School Program
- Preschool
Teaching Format:
- In-person
- Zoom
Group Size:
No maximum. Participants work in small groups or turn & talks.
Ideal Duration of Training:
This is a 3-hour workshop that can be delivered in two 90 minute sessions.
Additional Notes:
This workshop spans children’s developmental benchmarks on identity from infancy to adolescents. The workshop can be modified for Preschool only, Pre-K – 8th grade, Pre-K to High school, or High School only.
This workshop includes a 34 page handout that frames the rationale, and includes age-based scenario work and resources.