Explore our catalog of workshops, and find the ideal training for your educator team, and your learner’s needs.

Jewish LearningWorks is making customized professional development training more accessible to you, and your team members in 2024–25. This online catalog includes training programs for teachers, educational leaders and boards at Jewish schools, and educational programs. Each workshop is designed and delivered by vetted colleagues, experts in their fields.
Once you find the workshop you are interested in, contact the presenter to hire, schedule and plan for your training together.

Subsidies Available for 2024–25
Due to the generosity of the Jewish Community Federation & Endowment Fund, Jewish LearningWorks is able to reimburse Bay Area organizations for 60% of the cost of their early childhood or inclusion training during the 2024–25 program year (up to $1,500 per area).
Subsidies will be processed and granted only after your organization has been billed by the workshop presenter. To learn more or request a reimbursement, please contact Liora Brosbe at [email protected].