Everyone comes to DEIBJ work from a different place – informed by their lived experiences, education, prior engagement in DEIBJ work, and other factors such as disposition and ways of seeing and being. 1:1 attention will offer a space for processing new strands of knowledge and how best to apply the knowledge in their work with others. While there is a general arc of coaching sessions, the goals include: unearthing an insight or a question; gaining a tool, skill, model, framework, etc., to put to work in service of the goals; addressing issues as they come up, using clarifying and probing questions, as well as reflections; and going deeper into learning in order to expand one’s toolkit. Where appropriate, I will gently challenge your beliefs, behaviors, and ways of being (attitudes and dispositions).
Training Details
Ideal for Educators Teaching:
- Adults
Ideal for Educators Working At:
- Synagogue/Congregation
- Jewish Community Center
- Jewish Day School
- Day Camp
- Overnight Camp
- After School Program
- Preschool
Teaching Format:
- Zoom
Group Size:
1 person per coaching session
Ideal Duration of Training:
Packets include ten 60-minute sessions spread out over the year (meeting monthly) or up to 20 sessions used bi-weekly.
Additional Notes:
The Immunity to Change approach is a methodology used to help participants identify one the one big thing that would make the biggest difference to effectiveness, in the workplace? In Immunity to Change work, the answer to this question is called your Improvement Goal. The coaching sessions are used to move participants through the approach from improvement goal to better understanding of what gets in the way of accomplishing these goals.