Jewish life and learning happens in community. By bringing Jewish educators together to collaborate, support, and nurture one another we strengthen our shared goals, and do the sacred work of connecting and building our community.

Bay Area Mentor Program

For Jewish youth professionals from across settings, working in the Bay Area

A one-on-one mentor program matching Bay Area Jewish youth professionals who are new to the field with a seasoned mentor who can help them work through instructional and leadership challenges, brainstorm ideas and create plans to further their growth and learning.

Cross Community Mentor Program

For Jewish youth professionals in select communities across the U.S.

A cohort-based mentor program offering new and rising Jewish youth professionals in Los Angeles, Atlanta, Boston and Chicago the opportunity to expand their skills and competencies as educators, while being guided by an educator with experience in the field.

Edulist, Online Community

For all Bay Area Jewish educators across organizations

Jewish LearningWorks is the host of Edulist, the longest-standing and largest online group of Bay Area Jewish educators. Learn more about our online community and how to connect with colleagues to share curricular resources, fill open jobs, and solicit advice!

Hiring Resources & Career Development

For job seekers and employers in Jewish education and nonprofits

Hiring and team retention resources to support Jewish education and nonprofit organizations, as well as networking and career development opportunities for Jewish professionals.

We currently have an active Virtual Job Board where the employers can share job openings, and job seekers can share their profiles. For more information, please contact Kathy Schwartz, Senior Director of Professional Learning.

Jewish Day School Educator Network

For Day School Heads of Judaic Studies to connect and learn from each other

The Bay Area boasts 10 excellent and unique Jewish Day Schools, each with committed administrators and talented teachers. Jewish LearningWorks convenes the Judaic Studies heads in an informal network to connect and learn from each other. Every 6-8 weeks, this network gathers online to share resources, collaborate on shared projects and learn from each other. Jewish LearningWorks also provides a $1,500 professional development grant for each day school to be used in an area of priority that each school identifies.

To learn more and join the Day School Educator Network, please contact Kathy Schwartz, Senior Director of Professional Learning.