Today we welcome and thank Eileen Boussina, Regina deAngelis, and Anna Leemon for joining our board of directors. Their dedication and expertise are invaluable to our organization’s continued success. If you are acquainted with them, we invite you to send them a gratitude message. Their commitment inspires us, and their wisdom and passion furthers our collective mission in the Bay Area.

Eileen Boussina
Eileen Boussina and her husband, Nersi, have 3 children and reside in San Francisco. Eileen has a double major in Political Science and Mass Communications from UC Berkeley, and a Juris Doctorate from Southwestern University. She was a judicial clerk and worked in Entertainment Litigation prior to becoming a practicing attorney in the area of Civil Litigation. After her first child was born with special needs, she devoted her time to nurturing her child’s development. Eileen is currently serving her 12th year on the Board of Directors of Support for Families of Children with Disabilities, and this past year joined the Boards of San Francisco Autism Society and the Community Advisory Committee (CAC) for Special Education in SFUSD. She has also been active volunteering and being in leadership roles with Hadassah for over 20 years. Her family are active members of Congregation Emanu-El in San Francisco where Nersi serves on the Board. They are devout SFJCC, Camp Newman (inclusion program) and Giants fans. Her interests outside of keeping up with her very active family are taking walks in the Presidio, event planning, cooking (mostly Persian food), flower arranging and hosting family and friends for gatherings.

Regina deAngelis
Regina DeAngelis is a lawyer and Administrative Law Judge for the State of California and an enthusiastic participant in the Jewish community in the Bay Area, especially Marin County where she lives. She has served on the Board of the Kol Shofar Synagogue in Tiburon and the Osher Marin Jewish Community Center in San Rafael. Her volunteer work has included Brandeis Marin Day School, the Grove Preschool at Kol Shofar, Bay Area Jewish Healing Center, Shalom Bayit, and the Ritter House. She is also a member of a task force that promotes employment opportunities in state government for people with disability. Regina participates in Jewish professional development opportunities and studied with the Shalom Hartman Institute. Regina graduated from Northwestern University and Boston University School of Law. She grew up in Kentucky, where her first job was on a tomato farm and where she learned to love horses and wide open spaces. In her spare time, she explores new bakeries, studies Jewish teachings, learns about native plants, and spends time outside and around the kitchen table with her family and friends.

Anna Leemon
Anna Leemon is a 7th generation Californian, and was active in the Bay Area Jewish community growing up. She was lucky to attend Gideon Hausner Jewish Day School K-8, and was Bat Mitzvahed at Congregation Beth Jacob in Redwood City. She was a camper and song leader at URJ Camp Newman in Santa Rosa from 2003-2013, and participated in NFTY, as well. Anna earned her Bachelor of Science in Chemistry at University of Michigan (Go Blue!) where she was also a service leader and Shabbat Coordinator at Michigan Hillel. During her time in Michigan, Anna led the Hebrew School music program for Temple Beth Emeth in Ann Arbor and thrice attended the Hava Nashira Songleading Conference. Anna has her Master of Arts in Education from Stanford; She is now a chemistry and physics teacher at Archie Williams High School in San Anselmo, CA. In her free time, she enjoys gardening, knitting, and puzzles.