
Jewish Education and Engagement Award Winners

Jewish LearningWorks is proud to announce the recipients of two new awards for 2020. Devra Aarons, Executive Director of Contra Costa Midrasha, is receiving the Award for Excellence in Jewish Youth Education and Engagement. Rick Concoff, Director of Chaverim at the JCC of Sonoma County, is the recipient of the…...

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Genealogy ‘mavens’ go old-school to uncover Jewish past

Genealogy ‘mavens’ go old-school to uncover Jewish past – J. Final part of three-part PAST LIVES series on Jewish genealogical research. On a recent Sunday afternoon, Sam Ginsburg sat in a library with a mess of papers scattered in front of him. He was looking for an uncle he had…...

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Changing The Way We Think About Jewish Learning

The car pulled into the synagogue parking lot; a Sunday morning like any other. The rear doors flew open and two kids jumped out of the car and ran to the front door. “Here, kids run to our school,” one congregant observed proudly, sparking smiles among the adults nearby. The students’ excitement…...

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CEO Letter: The Blessings of Grandparenting — Jewish LearningWorks

When I was ten years old, our family saw Fiddler on the Roof on Broadway.  This was a big deal.  My grandparents, who NEVER went to the theater, came.  As immigrants from Eastern Europe, Fiddler felt like their story.  The first act climaxes with a wedding, punctuated by a pogrom,…...

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