B.A. Shapiro: The Muralist - Jewish LearningWorks

B.A. Shapiro: The Muralist

B.A. Shapiro: The Muralist

(Fiction, 368 pp. 2015)

Seventy years after an American painter working for the Works Progress Administration vanishes in New York City in 1940, her great-niece, working at Christie’s auction house, uncovers enigmatic paintings hidden behind works by famous Abstract Expressionist artists.

Discussion Questions from LitLovers

Kirkus Review

Review by Miriam Bradman Abrahams, Jewish Book Council

Review by Carol Memmott, Washington Post, October 15, 2015

Review by Ted Kehoe, Boston Globe, November 24, 2015 

“On the Writing of The Muralist by B.A. Shapiro