Conversations across lines of social identity differences can trigger worries that negatively impact the exchange. When people who experience marginalization and people with dominant social identities feel the potential for being misunderstood, there is an increase in emotions and avoidance of topics. It can cause people to be risk-averse in communication or involvement in equity-related initiatives for fear of saying the wrong thing. Research has shown that people who feel marginalized or are stigmatized in society sometimes experience a denial of their realities, feel that their integrity is being attacked, or are frustrated that people with dominant social identities are unaware of their biases and privileges. Meanwhile, people who have dominant social identities may worry that they will be accused of being biased which can lead to defensiveness and ambivalence about engaging in topics related to social identity differences. Learning to initiate, intervene, or facilitate challenging conversations can help educators find approaches they are most comfortable with and which yield healthy dialogue amongst adults and with students.
Training Details
Ideal for Educators Teaching:
- Preschool ages (2–5)
- Elementary grades K–5
- Middle School
- High School
- Families
- Adults
Ideal for Educators Working At:
- Synagogue/Congregation
- Jewish Community Center
- Jewish Day School
- Day Camp
- Overnight Camp
- After School Program
- Preschool
Teaching Format:
- In-person
- Zoom
Group Size:
No min or max required.
Ideal Duration of Training:
Series of 2 or 4 workshops. The two part series includes implicit bias and intergroup anxiety. The 4-part series includes implicit bias, intergroup anxiety, stereotype threat, and microaggressions. Each workshop is 90 minutes long and introduces the concept along with practical interventions to shift behaviors.
Additional Notes:
The 4-part series series has been delivered to many educators as part of a year long journey. Alternatively, teams and partners have used up to 3 concepts as part of a day-long professional development day.