Paul Goldberg: The Yid

Paul Goldberg: The Yid

(Fiction, 320 pp. 2016)

With elements of Shakespeare and Yiddish theater, a rag-tag group decides to assassinate Stalin just before the 1953 Soviet pogroms are to begin. This satirical mad-cap adventure tale effectively blends historical events, family stories and ingenious imagination.

Reading guide

Kirkus review

Review by Jane Ciabattari, NPR, March 3, 2016

Review by Janet Maslin, New York Times, January 21, 2016

Review by Glen David Gold, Washington Post, January 25, 2016

Review by Gary Katz, Jewish Book Council

Leonard Lopate interviews Paul Goldberg, WNYC, (audio, 15 min.)

“Claiming the Yid: Why I Gave My Novel Such an Offensive Title” by Paul Goldberg, Slate, January 25, 2016