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Crisis in Israel: Holding Space for Children

The articles and tools below are resources educators can lean on to talk to children about the crisis in Israel and Gaza. Kathy Shwartz, our Senior Director of Professional Learning, is also available to support you and your team. Do not hesitate to contact her at kathy@jewishlearning.works.

  1. How to Talk to Kids About What’s Happening in Israel Right Now – Kveller (Sivan Zakkai, 2023)
  2. Have We Been Teaching Kids About Israel All Wrong?  (Sivan Zakkai, 2022)
  3. How to Talk to Children About Israel | Reform Judaism (Robbie Gringras, date unknown)
  4. Responding to Crisis (Jewish Education Center Cleveland, 2015)
  5. Resources for Understanding the Current Israeli Palestinian Crisis (Union for Reform Judaism, 2021)
  6. Resources for Coping with Acts of Violence and Terror (Union for Reform Judaism)
  7. May 2021: Exploring the Current Israeli-Palestinian Crisis | The Jewish Educator Portal (Jewish Education Project, 2021)
  8. On The Map – Jewish LearningWorks

May peace come to all those impacted by this tragedy soon.