
Our Stories

Welcoming Kathy Schwartz to Jewish LearningWorks

We are overjoyed and so proud to welcome Kathy Schwartz as our new Senior Director of Programs. She will serve as a critical member of our leadership team, and in collaboration with the CEO, will develop new programmatic initiatives, support the implementation of our new strategic plan, lead our educator team, and raise our profile through thought leadership that advances the field of Jewish education.

Kathy has been a career congregational educator, the Associate Director for HUC-JIR’s Executive MA in Jewish Education, and a project team leader for Shifting the Paradigm: Hebrew Learning at the Jewish United Fund. She is also the Immediate Past President of the Association of Reform Jewish Educators.

A Message from Kathy

I am tremendously excited to be joining Jewish LearningWorks.  In my tenure as a leader in Jewish education, I have been most moved by those moments in which I have been able to inspire others to grow their skills and passion for the sacred responsibility of being a Jewish educator. I have seen those sparks of creativity, confidence, and joy galvanize the work of Jewish educators. I look forward to bringing my expertise to a tremendously dedicated and bright team that believes that lighting and fueling those sparks has the power to make a difference in the lives of learners, and the world they are creating.