Recognizing the importance of a mentor relationship and the development of skills as key factors in supporting new educators, we are continuing with our Mentor Program for a sixth season.
This program matches youth professionals who are new to the field (1–5 years) with a seasoned mentor. Together, they work through challenges, brainstorm ideas and create plans to further their growth and learning. Both mentor and mentee benefit from this relationship and often continue the connection beyond the 6-month commitment.
If you are interesting in becoming a mentor, please complete the form below.
If you would like to be a mentee, click here to complete a short application.
Questions? Please contact Kathy Schwartz at [email protected].

The mentorship program, which I have participated in for four years, established an ongoing process of supporting newer [professionals] with guidance and transmission of legacy, and has contributed to one of my most lofty missions, bringing more quality [professionals] into the field of Jewish education and communal work.
Mentor[My mentor] has been a great mentor and friend. Her insight and wisdom has been invaluable to helping me become a better director and stronger educator. She has made me feel cared for and supported and like I always had someone in my corner during times of difficulty. I’m so grateful for her and this program.
MenteeI really enjoyed working with my fellow mentees as well as my mentor! I felt extremely supported and it definitely helped me work through challenges I was facing this year. We often discussed the challenges of working with teens in a post-pandemic world.
MenteeMy mentor had a huge impact on my confidence. I was piloting a program last year and I saw a tremendous amount of personal growth with my mentor’s help. I became confident in my role and my abilities which helped me be more successful.
MenteeAnything I can do to help support [working in Jewish education] as a career path and as a legitimate professional choice is worth my time and energy. I gained just as much from it as my mentee did.
I want to become a Mentor
- Have had 10 years or more of experience in Jewish teen education
- 6 month, 10 hour minimum commitment
- Four scheduled 60 minute 1:1 meetings, in person or on the phone, plus 45 minutes of preparation and follow up for each meeting (September 2022 – May 2023)
- Three 30 minute phone calls “as needed” with mentee
- Mentors will receive a $1000 honorarium as a token of our gratitude.
I want to be a Mentee
- Commit to making the time to meet and talk with your mentor over the course of a 6 month period
- Pick a topic or area in which you would like to focus and grow
- Focus on skill/s that you hope to develop
- Pay $54 to participate as a mentee in the program*
*All programs at Jewish LearningWorks are subsidized by our generous donors. To arrange a further cost adjustment, please email [email protected].