Special Kavod to Our Former Colleagues
In the past two years, we lost two beloved former staff members — Rachel Brodie and Ilan Vitemberg. Their teaching touched thousands in our community, helped us grow and love deeper than we could ever imagine, and both left us too early.

Rachel Brodie z”l
Rachel Brodie’s body of work as an author, visionary and teacher is unforgettable. Her sparkle, her commitment to Jewish text, and her laugh remain with us always. Read more about Rachel’s contributions, and a small sample of her Torah.

Ilan Vitemberg z”l
Teacher, storyteller, role-model, cultural critic, human rights activist, performance artist; Ilan’s life was his art and his curriculum. In his teaching and in his life, he approached it all with passion. Read more about Ilan, and his unquenchable pursuit of justice and joy.