Lillian Faderman: Harvey Milk: His Lives and Death

Lillian Faderman: Harvey Milk: His Lives and Death

(Biography, 304 pp. 2018)

Contextualizing the local icon — eloquent, charismatic, and a smart-aleck— in a Jewish milieu, this biography chronicles his upbringing and careers before being elected to the San Francisco Board of Supervisors in 1977. His assassination at the age of forty-eight made him the most famous gay man in modern history. Activist scholar Faderman "brings to light material that had been suppressed or considered unimportant because it didn’t support the reigning narrative.

Kirkus Review

Review by Jay Michaelson, Moment Magazine, May 14, 2018

Review by Helene Meyers, Tablet Magazine, May 29, 2018

Review by Karen Iris Tucker, Washington Post, June 22, 2018

Review by Renée Graham, Boston Globe, June 3, 2018