Supporting Teachers Address the Needs of Students
Our clinical student observations are opportunities, initiated by a classroom educator or site director, for a trained professional to come observe a child’s behavior in the classroom.
The student observations are to support a teacher in better addressing the needs of a student and can result in recommendations, accommodations, or next steps for collaboration to help your student thrive in the classroom.
What Observations Are
Our student observations are an ideal way to get an outside, expert perspective on how to best support a student who might be struggling at school.They are subsidized by Jewish LearningWorks as part of our Special Needs Inclusion work, and designed as professional development for educators.
We are happy to provide observations in preschool, day school, after school, and day camp settings.
What Observations Are Not
Our student observations are not assessments or opportunities for diagnosis of a child. They are not designed to give additional information or feedback to the family of the students in order to encourage additional services. An observation is not to help the family or student specifically, although this might help the student as a teacher gains better understanding of how to help the child in their classroom. Families are encouraged to be involved so they understand how their child’s teachers and working to best support them at school.
Cost and Registration
This program is part of Jewish LearningWorks approach to supporting Jewish educators to feel confident and competent in working with all children.
- Observations are coordinated by the teacher and site director, and scheduled for a mutually agreed upon date and time. Our trained consultants will be paid for the time spent observing, any follow up meetings with staff, and a standard travel subsidy.
- The cost of the observations for the school is highly subsidized thanks to our generous donors and funds from the Jewish Community Federation and Endowment Fund.
To get started, please contact Senior Educator, Liora Brosbe, at [email protected] and she will help match you with a trained professional with a specialty in special education.
If you have questions prior to soliciting a classroom observation, we’re happy to speak with you. Please do not hesitate to contact Senior Educator, Liora Brosbe, at [email protected].