In recognition of the female dominated field of education, the documented gender gap in nonprofits, and the racial, ethnic and cultural diversity of our community, last year Jewish LearningWorks continued to prioritize elevating female leadership and taking the steps necessary to create equity in Jewish communal life.
The Voices for Good Initiative is designed to amplify the voices of female leaders, and strengthen the community’s talent pipeline. During the 2021–22 program year, we led quarterly networking meetings for 25 female leaders in C-suite positions, provided leadership coaching for 14 women leaders, and our current cohort of 11 fellows began their second year of training.
11 Fellows Begin their Second Year
The work of creating an inclusive environment for our multicultural, multiracial community is an imperative for Jewish LearningWorks. We are working to meet this goal by diversifying the people with whom we work, collaborate, and serve, and by continuing our own staff learning.
Last year, we hosted “Constructing Our Racial and Ethnic Identities,” a workshop that supported 31 educators to understand their own identities, equipping them to help students understand theirs, and to use that knowledge to enhance teaching and learning.
“The sessions have been powerful for me, in being my best self as a professional and as a human. I am using what I am learning to support so many of my staff and colleagues each day, and it will be the same for years to come.
I would most certainly not be able to do this coaching work at this time without Jewish Learning Works’ generosity and vision.”
– Myla Marks, Senior Director, Camp Tawonga