
Our Stories

Jewish LearningWorks’ Leaders Kathy Schwartz and Dana Sheanin Recognized at the ARJE’s 2023 Annual Gathering

We are so proud to share the recent recognition of two members of our leadership team, Dana Sheanin, Chief Executive Officer, and Dr. Kathy Schwartz, Senior Director, Professional Learning. They were honored at the 2023 Annual Gathering of the Association of Reform Jewish Educators for their earnest dedication, and years of service to Jewish education.

Hazak, hazak, ve-nithazek. May we be strengthened by our shared commitment to building a vibrant Jewish future for our children and grandchildren.

Learn More About

Dana Sheanin, Chief Executive Office
Dana Sheanin is Jewish LearningWorks’ first female Chief Executive Officer. She is the founder of Voices for Good, a Jewish LearningWorks initiative focused on amplifying the voices of women professional leaders. Her 25 years of work in Jewish education has afforded her the opportunity to support a variety of Jewish organizations in the areas of strategic initiative design, organizational capacity building and professional development. Dana believes in the sustaining power of our community’s legacy organizations, and is fortunate to have served two Federations — UJA Federation of New York and the Jewish Federation of the East Bay — as well as the Union for Reform Judaism.


Kathy Schwatz, Senior Director, Professional Learning
Dr. Kathy Schwartz has been a career congregational educator, the Associate Director for HUC-JIR’s Executive MA in Jewish Education, and a project team leader for Shifting the Paradigm: Hebrew Learning at the Jewish United Fund in Chicago. She is the Immediate Past President of the Association of Reform Jewish Educators, has served as the Faith Representative for the Early Childhood Council of Boulder County Advisory Committee, and is an active member of the faculty committee for the URJ’s Olin Sang Ruby Union Institute camp where she has loved to spend her summers.