Apartment for Rent is a dynamic, inventive program introducing students to Israel’s most beloved children’s book written by renowned author Leah Goldberg. The story depicts a group of animals who live in the same building and are looking for a new tenant, who will have to be accepting of their diversity and willing to live with them in peace and harmony.

The program includes a set and puppets for creating a puppet show in your school. Educational materials include the story in Hebrew and English, background, exploration of core Jewish values, resources, games and other activities.

Technical Requirements: The program includes a puppet show set. Once assembled, it measures approximately 7’(L) x 7’(H) x 3’(D).

The set comes in two portfolios measuring 37”(L) x 25”(W) x 8”(D) each, and a suitcase with puppets.

Grades: For pre-K through fourth grade

These materials are available to borrow through our Jewish Community Library. Materials may be borrowed free of charge, for one month.

To reserve and/or check out materials, please contact [email protected], or Rose Katz at 415.567.3327 x706. Materials are to be picked up and returned at the Jewish LearningWorks office at 44 Page Street, Suite 604, San Francisco.

Please note: Borrowers will be financially responsible for materials that are lost or damaged.