How does it work?
After reading the guidelines on this page, click here for the simple application form. Jewish LearningWorks will offer a limited number of grants of up to $3,000 to Bay Area synagogues.
Priority is given to programs which:
- reflect creative, high quality approaches to adult education.
- are focused on Jewish ethics, spirituality, history, arts and culture, parenting, contemporary Judaism, Israel and the Middle East, or introductions to other religions (and not primarily focused on Torah study, holidays, or Hebrew).
- use speakers and teachers from the Bay Area (for ideas, you can consult our compact menu or our more extensive directory of local speakers by topic, or we can connect you to experts in a wide range of topics!).
- reach a large number of parents of children still living at home.
- are expected to reach at least 20 participants, with priority given to programs that have the potential to attract larger audiences.
After an award is made, grant recipients will have one month to submit a letter from the executive director certifying that the synagogue has committed to undertake the funded program. Grant checks will be sent two weeks after receipt of the letter of acceptance. A brief report from the grantee, including a head count, a satisfaction survey and an actual budget, will be required following the implementation of the program. Recipients of the grant must acknowledge the Newton and Rochelle Becker Charitable Trust and Jewish LearningWorks in their publicity materials. Materials should also include the Newton and Rochelle Becker Charitable Trust logo.
What can be funded?
Synagogues can seek funding for a wide range of experiences including:
- hosting speakers to lecture or foster discussion on a variety of Jewish topics
- an off-site experience, such as a visit to the Contemporary Jewish Museum
- collaborations involving multiple synagogues
- either one-time events or multi-session programs
- out-of-pocket expenses for promoting the program
What cannot be funded?
The Becker grant may not be used to pay for the following items, which should not be included in the itemized budget that you include with your application:
- speakers’ travel expenses
- in-house synagogue staff time
- programs that are already scheduled, that are regularly scheduled (such as an annual Scholar-in-Residence program), or that have been implemented before in the organization.
- educational experiences for children, including events in which adults and children learn together.
How does a synagogue apply?
The simple online application form may be found here. Applications may be submitted at any time, and applicants will hear of the decision within two weeks of submission. Only one project implemented within a fiscal year may be funded. Those who are interested in applying are strongly encouraged to contact Liora Brosbe at [email protected].