Customized Professional Development Trainings for Teachers

Customized Professional Development Trainings for Teachers

I offer professional development trainings and workshops for educators on a variety of topics. Sample topics include: Teaching Pedagogy: What does it mean in my classroom? Ages and Stages: What to expect in your classroom and what to do when you need help! Understanding Children’s Behavior Dream Teams: Facilitating Clear Communication within Team.


Contact the presenter to book this workshop.

Training Details

Ideal for Educators Teaching:

  • Preschool ages (2–5)

Ideal for Educators Working At:

  • Preschool
  • May work for early elementary as well

Teaching Format:

  • In-person
  • Zoom
  • Hybrid (participants in-person and Zoom at the same time)

Group Size:
Coaching and mentoring is done individually. Workshops can be for any size group.

Ideal Duration of Training:
Workshops are usually 1.5-3 hours depending on the need. Trainings can also be done throughout the year to maximize the learning

Additional Notes:
Professional development is a vital part of the work of educators. I can help your program get to the next level with trainings designed just for you and your program