Cultivating a Love of Learning through Transformational Classroom Management

Cultivating a Love of Learning through Transformational Classroom Management

Gone are the days when rules are posted on the bulletin board the first day of class and, the next day, students return with a form indicating that they have discussed these rules with their parents. Today, many classes are adopting a models that strives to create a community and empower students to take ownership in their behavior.

Together, we will:

  • Understand classroom management strategies through the lens of Jewish values and creation of ritual
  • Identify classroom management strategies that foster community and ownership
  • Develop their own Sacred Classroom Management plan that can be integrated in their classrooms or their school.
  • Explore the idea behind the Positive Judaism mindset and how it can inform our classroom environment.


Contact the presenter to book this workshop.

Training Details

Ideal for Educators Teaching:

  • Preschool ages (2-5)
  • Elementary grades K-5
  • Middle School
  • High School

Ideal for Educators Working At:

  • Synagogue/Congregation
  • Jewish Community Center
  • Jewish Day School

Teaching Format:

  • In-person
  • Zoom
  • Hybrid (participants in-person and Zoom at the same time)

Group Size:
Maximum of 20

Ideal Duration of Training:
No less than 3 sessions, 75 minutes each.

Additional Notes:
Will be willing to customize and adapt to needs of clients.