By increasing teacher learning we increase student learning.

Last year we:
Hosted 33 professional development workshops, engaging just under 1,000 participants (39% increase). We strengthened the toolbox of educators with sessions on responding to the war in Israel, supporting teens, reaching neurodivergent learners, engaging multi-ethnic families, and more.
Expanded from 9 to 45 organization specific customized training sessions since 2020.

Served Educators in 142 Organizations
Through coaching and mentoring we help professionals identify their unique strengths and challenges, learn new skills, problem solve, and practice self reflection.
Last year we:
Provided 219 hours of coaching to 29 professionals.
Mentored 16 new educators.
“I can’t be an educator all on my own. I don’t always want to be the person at the podium. I want to let people like Natalie take the lead, be in front, and share their own wisdom.”
-Devra Aarons, Contra Costa Midrasha Executive Director, Walnut Creek, CA; Jewish LearningWorks Mentor
2023–2024 was also our inaugural year supporting the Bay Area’s early childhood professionals.

Last year we:
Pioneered a learning community of early childhood educators in the East Bay through ElevatEd, a national initiative to train 12 emerging educators and their mentors, and to recruit new educators to the field.

Gathered 230 educators from 18 different preschools for a day of learning, including topics such as documentation, teaching Jewish holidays, and team building.

Convened 20 early childhood educational leaders on a monthly basis to connect, network, and brainstorm with their colleagues.

Hosted a Directors’ Retreat that provided time and space for leaders to assess their vision for their school and identify a specific area of focus for their work.
“The work we did with Jane Simon, early childhood consultant, gave us a chance to think about our indoor and outdoor environments with a thoughtful lens as we focused on sensory, visual and safety considerations. We are so grateful for the support Jewish LearningWorks provides to work with amazing consultants like Jane.”
-Katherine Barboni, Director of Early Childhood Education at The Grove Preschool at Kol Shofar, Tiburon, CA